Contact info
House No. 61, Road 3, Kamarpara, Rajabari, Uttara 10- Dhka 1230- Contact info: +8801934609395
House No. 61, Road 3, Kamarpara, Rajabari, Uttara 10- Dhka 1230- Contact info: +8801934609395 email:
House No. 61, Road 3, Kamarpara, Rajabari, Uttara 10- Dhka 1230- Contact info: +8801934609395 email:
House No. 61, Road 3, Kamarpara, Rajabari, Uttara 10- Dhka 1230- Contact info: +8801934609395 email:
2.1 Field of Practice :Bangladesh Survey Consultant Land and hydrographic Surveyors provides a full spectrum of services,including legal surveys, engineering layout and land development planning. Our role extends beyond justpositioning
– we also work with you and fellow professionals to ensure that your property rights, and therights of your neighbors, are protected.The most common surveys in the Bangladesh area are as follows. Subdivisions — from initial application
tofinal surveyWe take pride in our delivery; thus our clients can always be assured that only the most experienced andqualified people are serving them, all the time.u .1. History & Philosophy:Bangladesh Survey Consultant is a
licensed Civil and Survey construction company specializing in both land survey / Hydrographic (Marine) survey and construction survey projects throughout Bangladesh.The firm was established in 2000 and has since developed a rapidly
growing client base including Large Scale Construction Companies, Airport Construction, Government Councils, Architects, Builders, Engineers, Lot Owners. Property Developers and Building Designers. From this client base Bangladesh
Survey Consultant Land Surveyors has developed a sound reputation in the industry which has resulted in the commission of an increasing number of large−scale projects.Bangladesh Survey Consultant Surveyors service all areas of Bangladesh.Bangladesh
Survey Consultant is truly a full-service land and Hydrographic surveying firm. With deep community ties and access to decades of knowledge, Bangladesh Survey Consultant could work with you and fellow land development professionals
to get your job done right and at right time.1.1 Mission Statement Bangladesh Survey Consultant Company was established and began as a general works consultancy in 2000with aim to meet a growing demand for Project Management • Survey
and Engineering Services.Responding to the rapid changes in Bangladesh survey and Engineering industry, Bangladesh Survey Consultant Engineering and survey Company has developed into a full-service consultancy company,establishing
itself as a leader in Civil and survey works sector.1.2) Our Mission To safely deliver any project in any environment on time and within budget to benefit our customers,shareholders, employees, and communities we serve. To develop
into a highly profitable, competitive and sustainable Project Management • Survey and Engineering Services in Bangladesh. 1.3) Our Vision To build trust through integrity, as we continue in the pursuit of new opportunities. Remembering
that our achievements are as a result of satisfied customers. To be a respectable Civil and • Survey consultancy delivering beyond expectation, always.
- 1.5 Principal Activities:General Land / Hydrographic survey and Civil engineering company including Major upgrading works and Civil works
- 2 WHO ARE WE? Bangladesh Survey Consultant (Land / Hydrographic survey and Civil Engineering Company)Today, Bangladesh Survey Consultant takes on the role of main company for small to height size projects and performs project management
services to coordinates specialist trades for industrial / commercial projects. We also provide design inputs and engineering solutions as value-add services to our clients.Our objective is to provide our clients with an “I am
assured” experience when we are chosen to execute their projects. Our emphasis on clear communication and follow-through procedures ensures that client’ subjective are top priority in the planning and execution of all our processes.Our
project management and execution philosophy is: Create detail schedule and resources plan to meet client’s project objective, Communicate clearly with all project stakeholders, Track project progress and fine-tune deviations,
supervise closely on quality of work done, Complete and commission the project on time. - 2.2 Civil Works:This business unit undertakes a broad range of heavy civil, infrastructure, roads and earthworks contracts forboth public and private clients, operating in all areas of Bangladesh Consultancy of large structures in
public and private